Hovis® Best of Both commits to donating additional loaves to help make 5 million sandwiches for families living in food poverty in 2021


Amidst many consumer challenges over Free School Meals, Hovis® Best of Both® has committed to increasing its support for families living in food poverty by donating an additional 250,000 loaves. This is enough bread to make an additional 2.5 million sandwiches in 2021 on top of the annual donation of 250,000 loaves from the brand. The bread is being donated in partnership with the charity FareShare, the UK’s longest-running food redistribution charity, which, along with Hovis, also supports the Marcus Rashford Child Food Poverty Taskforce. In 2020, Hovis donated 250,000 loaves from across their range – providing enough slices for 2.5m sandwiches to those families living in food poverty.

Not only has Hovis committed to increasing its bread donations to create 2.5 million additional sandwiches in 2021, but it has also promised that its donations will be of Best of Both, one of its longest-standing product ranges that have just re-launched with a new recipe. The new Best of Both is rich in Vitamin D which helps to support the immune system1.

Health and immunity remain at the front of minds and the benefits of Vitamin D are believed to be even wider than just maintaining bone and muscle health and helping the normal function of immune systems. As such, Public Health England (PHE) has set out a recommended daily intake for Vitamin D1 of 10 micrograms.

Hovis Best of Both is rich in Vitamin D, which helps to support the immune system1, a source of fibre and protein, rich in calcium to maintain normal teeth and bones and is also low in fat and sugar. Just two slices of this new and delicious loaf contain at least a third of your daily recommended Vitamin D and calcium intakes.

Nina Shanahan, Head of Marketing, said “With the figures for child food poverty increasing, we’re committed to continuing the work we are doing with FareShare and the Taskforce to tackle food poverty. We are pleased to increase our support not only to provide tasty bread but to provide more bread that has nutritional ingredients such as Vitamin D.”

Marcus Rashford MBE said “Hovis’ commitment to supporting those children most affected by hunger is the reason I invited them to join the Child Food Poverty Taskforce. The active steps Hovis has taken to help cover deficits with great quality product is brilliant and I can’t thank them enough. The inclusion of Vitamin D into the product also guarantees children are getting the vital nutrients they need.”

Lindsay Boswell, CEO FareShare, said: “Huge thanks must go to Hovis who have stepped up to support vulnerable communities across the country with bread, at a really challenging time. This donation is very welcome and FareShare will be distributing these loaves to the many thousands of charities across the UK that remain open to provide a lifeline to those most vulnerable communities throughout 2021.”